Feng Shui consulting packages

… and how does a consultation work? My advice is as individual as your wishes, expectations, aims and financial possibilities. I provide support and food for thought, and together we’ll develop a concept for your new surroundings, all with the ultimate goal of creating a space you feel comfortable and happy in.

  • Together and on-site, we’ll take stock: of your wishes and ideas, site/ground plan, compass measurements, photos, etc.
  • Using the collected data, I’ll create a concept with all relevant information and recommendations, including a priority list for the project.
  • During the final consultation I’ll present the summarized results to you and you will receive an extensive and detailed folder containing all the information required to implement my suggestions.
  • If you would like me to realize the entire project, I’ll be happy to take over and manage it all for you.


Basic price guide:

Our daily rate for a consultation is between €681 and €1,400. Some consultations that take less time or require a different approach. Our minimum fee is €350. I would be pleased to make you an individual offer based on your wishes and requirements. All mentioned Feng Shui methods and services can also be booked individually.

Feng Shui consulting packages

Living small

Feng Shui advice for a room e.g. Sleeping, work or children’s room

Room layout
Arrangement of the furniture
Color and material design
Exact personal alignment of your bed or your desk.


Feng Shui consulting for an apartment or a house with a garden:

In a new building, modification or renovation
Decision support when selecting multiple objects (property search)
Implementation support of your project
Garden design according to Feng Shui recommendations


Feng Shui Consulting for Start-ups, Small Business Owners and Medium and Large Enterprises:

Location searching for new business rooms
Assertive positioning of the management
Inviting reception area
Creation and designing of inspiring and inspiring workplaces and offices
Harmonization of personnel problems

As your Feng Shui & Design expert, I strive to create the best, aesthetically pleasing environment for you, with the ultimate goal of bringing you joy and enhancing your health and success.

Let´s get started!